Who is the 'Blood Relative'? That's the mystery Pug and Dudley must solve in Tony Franco's First Comic Book in the 'It's a Dog's Life' Series That Everyone's Talking About

BLOOD RELATIVE is the first in the It's a Dog’s Life series that covers just one of the many adventures of our two unlikely heroes... Best friends, Pug Pupp, a feisty little bulldog with big ideals, and his feline friend and roommate, Dudley, a simple soul with a mind to match.
In "Blood Relative" Pug and Dudley are working off their rent by painting their landlords shed. After accidentally spilling all the paint they head to the store for more. On the way home, Dudley is spotted by prospective political candidate, Finagle Geltbilder who concludes he is his long lost heir. Dudley's best buddy Pug encourages his friend to accept his new life. But Finagle's corrupt campaign manager Eloquent McGuff kidnaps Dudley and has a plan to do away with him. Pug inevitably uncovers the plot and races to his friends rescue...will he get there in time?

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Order your copy of BLOOD RELATIVE the first in the series IT'S A DOGS LIFE. Order one for a friend. This comic adventure of Pug and Dudley is one not to be missed.
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Blood Relative Comic Book
*Signed by the Author – Tony Franco
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The comic book artist - Tony Franco

"Hi there, I'm Tony Franco of Tony Franco and Friends. I've been a professional cartoonist for about thirty-five years. In that time I've had the pleasure of working for some of the greats such as Marvel, Harvey Comics and DC Comics to name but a few.
To create my own comic book has been a life long dream and I can't believe it's finally here. Over the years I've developed a stable of characters and concepts and it brings me great joy to share the first of these with you in It's a Dogs Life - Blood Relative.
It's my hope that you will enjoy reading Blood Relative as much as I have enjoyed creating it and it would mean the world to me if you would leave me a comment below and let me know what you think of it.
Thanks in advance,